For our first blog post, I'd like you to write about your emotions. What does it feel like to have arrived at FSU? Speak to the different feelings that have welled up inside you since you got here. Make it a narrative, a personal revelation, make it creative. Have fun!
One of the biggest transitions for a student, or anyone in general, is from High School to College. During this step in life, one is introduced to various new steps, attitudes, and people. At first, this can seem scary to most, but you soon find out that there's more to it. My transition from a magnet school to Florida State University wasn't as scary as I anticipated. Instead, there was more excitement built up inside of me than terror. I was accepted into the CARE program here at FSU which resulted in me taking that suspenseful drive up here earlier than any of the other Summer C students. But getting here was the easy part. Once I arrived, I grew more and more nervous as I went from line to line checking in and receiving tons of papers to fill out. The first time you turn that key in the lock to your room is where your emotions build up inside of you and you don't know what to expect considering you have to live with a complete stranger for six weeks. I think they call that suspense? But anyways, after meeting your roommate, you realize that this might actually be one of the best times in your life. Being a CARE student, I was served everything on a silver platter and my counselors helped me cross the bridge from High School to College. Because of the fact that no one was still on campus, I was able to adjust to the environment and adapt before all the other predators, or students, came in.
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